HDSP 9652
52-Channel PCI Card with ADAT and SPDIF I/O

Connectivity and Features
The HDSP 9652 also supports Expansion Boards (EXB). Two internal ADAT inputs and two internal ADAT outputs allow you to realize up to 16 analog inputs, 16 analog outputs, or up to two TDIF ports directly inside the computer.
Thanks to its unique Zero CPU Load technology Hammerfall DSP guarantees highest performance and lowest latency together with full flexibility!
The HDSP 9652's Secure BIOS Technology allows to perform hardware updates via software/driver without any risk.
The HDSP 9652 provides unique features:
- 3 x ADAT digital I/O, based on RME's reliable Bitclock PLL
- 1 x SPDIF digital I/O, based on RME's reliable DIGI96 technology
- 1 x Breakout cable for coaxial SPDIF operation
- 1 x Word clock I/O (BNC) on included expansion board
- 1 x ADAT Sync In (9-pin D-type) for sample accurate transfers
- 2 x MIDI I/O, 32 channels high-speed MIDI via breakout cable
- DIGICheck, RMEs unique metering- and analyse tool
- HDSP Meter Bridge: freely scalable level meters, peak- and RMS calculation directly in hardware
- TotalMix FX: 1352 channel Mixer with 40 Bit internal resolution
- S/MUX poured in hardware: 12 channels 24-Bit/96kHz for record and playback on ADAT optical
... and numerous other features found already in the Hammerfall series. And all this for an unbeatable price!
- TEB - TDIF Expansion Board (no longer available)
- Digital breakout cable, SPDIF (BOHDSP9652)
- MIDI breakout cable (BOHDSP9652MIDI)
HDSP 9652
- Supported sample rates: 32 kHz, 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz, 88.2 kHz, 96 kHz, variable
- 8 buffer sizes/latencies available: 1.5 ms, 3 ms, 6 ms, 12 ms, 23 ms, 46 ms, 93 ms, 186 ms
- ASIO zero CPU load technology: 0 (zero!)% CPU load when using ALL 52 channels!
- All settings changeable in real-time
- Clock modes slave and master
- Automatic and intelligent master/slave clock control
- Enhanced Mixed mode: All inputs and outputs simultaneously operational
- Unsurpassed Bitclock PLL (audio synchronization) in ADAT mode
- Enhanced Zero Latency Monitoring for latency-free submixes and perfect ASIO Direct Monitoring
- DIGICheck, the ultimate measurement, analysis and test tool
- Input 3 x optical (TOSLINK), 1 x coaxial (RCA), 2 x MIDI, word clock (BNC)
- Input format SPDIF, AES/EBU (Consumer, Professional), ADAT® optical
- Output 3 x optical (TOSLINK), coaxial (RCA), 2 x MIDI, word clock (BNC)
- Format output SPDIF, AES/EBU (Consumer/Professional), ADAT® optical
- Supported sample rates: 32 kHz, 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz, 88.2 kHz, 96 kHz, variable
- 8 buffer sizes/latencies available: 1.5 ms, 3 ms, 6 ms, 12 ms, 23 ms, 46 ms, 93 ms, 186 ms
- ASIO zero CPU load technology: 0 (zero!)% CPU load when using ALL 52 channels!
- All settings changeable in real-time
- Clock modes slave and master
- Automatic and intelligent master/slave clock control
- Enhanced Mixed mode: All inputs and outputs simultaneously operational
- Unsurpassed Bitclock PLL (audio synchronization) in ADAT mode
- Enhanced Zero Latency Monitoring for latency-free submixes and perfect ASIO Direct Monitoring
- DIGICheck, the ultimate measurement, analysis and test tool
- Input 3 x optical (TOSLINK), 1 x coaxial (RCA), 2 x MIDI, word clock (BNC)
- Input format SPDIF, AES/EBU (Consumer, Professional), ADAT® optical
- Output 3 x optical (TOSLINK), coaxial (RCA), 2 x MIDI, word clock (BNC)
- Format output SPDIF, AES/EBU (Consumer/Professional), ADAT® optical
All specifications are subject to change without notice.
HDSP 9652
UpdatesPCI and CardBus card to hardware revision 17/55 HDSP 9652 to 108, HDSP 9632 to 155, HDSP MADI to 207 and AES-32 to 234. Flash Update Tool for Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8/10.
Attention: Users of HDSP PCI Rev. < 1.8 and the flat HDSP CardBus (15-pin connector) please carefully study the included readme before performing the flash update
Also supports HDSPe PCI Card and ExpressCard with Digiface, Multiface and RPM. Version 1.73. See readme.txt for important notes!
UpdatesPCI and CardBus card to hardware revision 17/55 HDSP 9652 to 108, HDSP 9632 to 155, HDSP MADI to 207 and AES-32 to 234. Flash Update Tool for Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8/10.
Attention: Users of HDSP PCI Rev. < 1.8 and the flat HDSP CardBus (15-pin connector) please carefully study the included readme before performing the flash update
WDM, WDM-KS and ASIO. Version 4.50. Windows XP SP3 / 8/10/11, not Windows 7. Supports all HDSP and HDSPe cards/systems except HDSPe MADI FX.
WDM, WDM-KS and ASIO. Version 4.50. Windows XP SP3 / 8/10/11, not Windows 7. Supports all HDSP and HDSPe cards/systems except HDSPe MADI FX.
WDM, WDM-KS and ASIO. Version 4.36. Windows XP SP3 / 7/8/10. Supports all HDSP and HDSPe cards/systems except HDSPe MADI FX.
WDM, WDM-KS and ASIO. Version 4.50. Windows XP SP3 / 8/10/11, not Windows 7. Supports all HDSP and HDSPe cards/systems except HDSPe MADI FX.
WDM, WDM-KS and ASIO. Version 4.50. Windows XP SP3 / 8/10/11, not Windows 7. Supports all HDSP and HDSPe cards/systems except HDSPe MADI FX.
WDM, WDM-KS and ASIO. Version 4.36. Windows XP SP3 / 7/8/10. Supports all HDSP and HDSPe cards/systems except HDSPe MADI FX.
TotalMix FX V 1.98 (2). This zip includes only TotalMix FX, to update TotalMix when using older drivers that come with an older TotalMix FX version.
Installation: Exit TotalMix FX completely and copy the app into the Applications folder, overwriting the old file.
TotalMix Remote V 1.43 - App to remote control TotalMix FX via ethernet and WiFi from other devices with Mac OS 10.12 or up. Universal Binary, supports Intel and Mx. Please note: can not be run on the same computer where the host TotalMix FX is used. This download is not TotalMix FX, which is part of the driver installation.
TotalMix FX V 1.98 for Windows, 32 bit version. This zip includes only TotalMix FX, to update TotalMix when using older drivers that come with an older TotalMix FX version.
Installation: Exit TotalMix FX (right click systray icon) and copy the new version into Windows\System32, overwriting the old file.
TotalMix Remote V 1.43 - Program to remote control TotalMix FX via ethernet and WiFi from other devices with Windows OS (PC, Tablet). Please note: can not be run on the same computer where the host TotalMix FX is used. This download is not TotalMix FX, which is part of the driver installation.
TotalMix FX V 1.98 for Windows x64.. This zip includes only TotalMix FX, to update TotalMix when using older drivers that come with an older TotalMix FX version.
Installation: Exit TotalMix FX (right click systray icon) and copy the new version into C:\Prgram Files\RME\Fireface or \MADIface, overwriting the old file. If there is no such directory then you need to use the TotalMix FX 32 bit file.
TotalMix FX V 1.98 for Windows Arm 64 bit. This zip includes only TotalMix FX, to update TotalMix when using older drivers that come with an older TotalMix FX version.
Installation: Exit TotalMix FX (right click systray icon) and copy the new version into C:\Prgram Files\RME\Fireface or \MADIface, overwriting the old file.
TotalMix FX V 1.98 for Windows x64.. This zip includes only TotalMix FX, to update TotalMix when using older drivers that come with an older TotalMix FX version.
Installation: Exit TotalMix FX (right click systray icon) and copy the new version into C:\Prgram Files\RME\Fireface or \MADIface, overwriting the old file. If there is no such directory then you need to use the TotalMix FX 32 bit file.
Differences to v 4.53: EBU R-128 Meter. Surround Audio Scope with ITU weighting. Simultaneous usage of multiple cards in all functions. Displays fully configurable (e.g. channel selection). Multichannel Level Meter freely configurable. MMCSS for Vista. Many improvements on surface and internal operation. Supports all current interfaces plus DIGI 9636/52. DIGI32 series and DIGI96 series are no longer supported. (10/05/2020).
V596 adds compatibilty for HDSPe MADI FX and XT with DK firmware.
DigiCheck NG V 0.92 requires a Direct3D 12 capable graphics card and Windows 10 or up.
DigiCheck NG V 0.92 requires a Direct3D 12 capable graphics card and Windows 10 or up.
Stereo Level Meter, Multichannel Level Meter, Global Level Meter, Spectral Analyser, Vector Audio Scope, Correlation Meter, Totalyser, Bit Statistic & Noise, Global Record. ASIO support, multi-client operation, display of +dBFS levels, display of playback data, K-system, free reference/scale, third colour. New: Hardware Level Meter. RMS Slow and RLB weighting filter. Optional Correlator. Level meters vertical/horizontal. Presets with hotkeys. Support for Fireface 400, newer Fireface 800 drivers, HDSP series WDM driver. Record functionality Global Record. Compatible to HDSPe PCI and HDSPe MADI/MADIface
Stereo Level Meter, Multichannel Level Meter, Global Level Meter, Spectral Analyser, Vector Audio Scope, Correlation Meter, Totalyser, Bit Statistic & Noise, Global Record. ASIO support, multi-client operation, display of +dBFS levels, display of playback data, K-system, free reference/scale, third colour. New: Hardware Level Meter. RMS Slow and RLB weighting filter. Optional Correlator. Level meters vertical/horizontal. Presets with hotkeys. Support for Fireface 400, newer Fireface 800 drivers, HDSP series WDM driver. Record functionality Global Record. Compatible to HDSPe PCI and HDSPe MADI/MADIface
DIGICheck for Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP, Version 2.90 from 4.12.01